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I don’t know about you, but I love making and reviewing flash cards.  So I went searching for a Web 2.0 tool that would allow me to create a set of flashcards, share them with others, and find other flash card sets that were already made.  Quizlet is a site that is an answer to my need.  You can search for previously created flash card sets covering hundreds of topics.  You can create a new set of flashcards and share them with other Quizlet users.  You can have your students access flash card sets in Quizlet and not only review them, but also play games with the flashcards.  As if that weren’t enough, you can also upload flash card sets to your smart phone or other mobile device with a Quizlet app and study on the go.    Did I mention all of this was free?  Check out Quizlet – the 21st century revolution of good ol’ flashcards.

Social Bookmarking

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Do you know about social bookmarking?  I didn’t until a few days ago and absolutely love it!  Teachers like to neatly file most reference material into one category or another but have been unable to do that with our favorite websites until now.  Social bookmarking allows the user to create a site of bookmarks that are stored and sorted at the discretion of the user.  The site I use for social bookmarking is delicious.com. You can create an account for free and begin making a list of your favorite websites and marking them with tags right away.  I suggest that you follow the on-screen instructions for getting started.

Once you have some bookmarks with tags, you can them find other sites from those tags that other delicious users have bookmarked.  (That’s the “social” part of social bookmarking.)  I have provided a link to the education bookmarks on my delicious page so you can see what I have already bookmarked that is of interest to you.

Try it out and let me know what you think!